Catmandu - a (meta)data toolkit

This workshop is full

Catmandu provides a suite of software modules to ease the import, storage, retrieval, export and transformation of (meta)data records. After a short introduction to Catmandu and its features, we will present the command line interface (CLI) and the domain specific language (DSL). Participants will be guided to get data from different sources via APIs, to transform data records to a common data model, to store/index it in Elasticsearch or MongoDB, to query data from stores and to export it to different formats. The intended audience is Systems librarians, Metadata librarians, and Data managers. Participants should be familiar with command line interfaces (CLI). Programming experience is not required.


  • basic use of computer systems: how to install software, where to find the command line, execute commands on the command line.
  • a laptop with VirtualBox 5.0 (or better) installed.
  • an installation of the Catmandu.ova system in your VirtualBox (see the instructions on the website).

Please use in the workshop the VirtualBox version of Catmandu which provides access to all our example files and a working Linux environment with Catmandu, MongoDB, ElasticSearch and HDT installed.


Nicolas Steenlant Nicolas Steenlant